
New AMD Ryzen APUs may offer a GPU fix during the global shortage | PC Gamer - davidsoncauz1972

Novel AMD Ryzen APUs may offer up a GPU fix during the global dearth

AMD Ryzen 5000 Mobile
(Image credit: AMD)

Can't pick up a graphics circuit card? AMD power have a temporary, if slightly underwhelming, solution. The AMD Ryzen 5000 APUs have over again reared their heads, this time on what appears to Be an OEM component list, which suggests these chips could arrive sooner rather than later. While far from the power of an RX 6900 XT, these could provide much needed GPU Si in a pinch.

In that respect appears to be three chips on the way, reported to info scraped by Twitter user momomo_us. That would beryllium the AMD Ryzen 7 5700G, Ryzen 5 5600G, and Ryzen 3 5300G. These loadouts are relatively familiar with, as they bring up close comparison to the Ryzen 5000 flying chips launched earlier this year. That means busy eight cores of processing power for the top chip.

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That way we're almost for certain look a maximum graphics loadout of eight cores of joint GPU power, built with an architecture just about that of the Lope Felix de Vega Carpio genesis.

Granted, that's not much, but it is a GPU susceptible of pushing unobjectionable 720p graphics in most games and solid 1080p public presentation in the least demanding ones. The gain here being the recent GPU shortfall makes IT difficult to get often other without paying over the odds for it. These Ryzen Apus bequeath offer you something art-judicious, and leastways tangible gaming framerates. More so than Intel's iGPUs, anyways.

An APU wouldn't necessarily preclude the opportunity for a distinct GPU upgrade kill the describe either.

But there's a catch: AMD didn't sell its Ryzen 4000-series APUs direct to customers. Instead, these were available only via OEMs in prebuilt systems. Indeed uttermost the company has not said whether the Ryzen 5000-serial publication APUs will glucinium the same.

Here's hoping AMD brings back the DIY APUs. We''atomic number 75 still recommending the Ryzen 5 3400G of past times for our GPU-less budget PC soma, which is a great cow dung if a little tough to incu available, but it would exist great to bump that up to an eight-core chip in 2021.

Jacob Ridley

Francois Jacob earned his 1st byline writing for his own tech blog from his hometown in Wales in 2017. From there, he graduated to professionally breaking things at PCGamesN, where helium would later win overtop of the kit cupboard as hardware editor in chief. Nowadays, as senior hardware editor at PC Gamer, he spends his days coverage on the latest developments in the technology and gaming industry. When he's not writing about GPUs and CPUs, you'll observe him trying to generate as far inaccurate from the contemporary world as possible by wild camping.


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