
What Is A Reasonable Amount Of Time For A Landlord To Make Repairs Ohio

how long does a landlord have to fix something

If you are a landlord for an apartment building or rental property, so you know the pitfalls of the profession. Getting tenants in the edifice who will pay bills on time and who sympathise how much piece of work y'all do can sometimes seem like too big of an inquire when problems are constantly arising.

Well, when it comes to existence a landlord, yous have some other responsibilities that are a requirement of the chore. Fixing things in and effectually the edifice is one of the summit priorities that a landlord will deal with. Simply how long does a landlord have to fix an effect similar a leaking roof, ac, or a hot water heater?

It depends on each problem and tin vary widely by the severity of the result and the importance of whatever needs fixing. So, you tin get all the information you need about how long you have to fix your tenant'south problems here, then y'all can make sure to become the job washed in a reasonable corporeality of time.

Tabular array Of Contents For How Long Practice Yous Have To Make Repairs

  • 6 Commons Problems That A Landlord Will Probable Have To Fix
  • How Long Does A Landlord Have To Ready Something?
  • How Long Can A Landlord Close Off Water For Repairs?
  • What Is Considered An Uninhabitable Living Situation For A Tenants?
  • General Repairs
  • FAQs

vi Common Issues That A Landlord Will Likely Have To Ready

carpenter make repairsEvery bit a landlord, you lot will deal with a multitude of issues over the grade of your life, but there are a few common issues that you will probable deal with again and again. These common problems are mold, hot h2o, air conditioning units, a leaking roof, carpeting cleaning or replacement, and refrigerator repairs.

These common problems are going to eventually need to be worked on in i way or another, so knowing what yous will need to do beforehand will aid you out tremendously. These 6 common issues are ones that volition continue to demand work considering they are items that are heavily used.

1. Carpeting, for example, often needs cleaning considering of people walking on it with muddy shoes. Or, there could be a spill or two that needs to be deep cleaned to remove a stain.

2. The water heater is often used in heating showers or cooking, so this is another item that can need repair piece of work fairly ofttimes.

Air workout units are used often during the summer, so during the hot months of the twelvemonth, tenants may overuse their Ac unit and cause it to demand repair.

3. Refrigerators are continually on, so this is 1 issue that is extremely common and y'all should prepare to repair or supercede information technology every so often.

Mold is some other story, and it, unfortunately, is an outcome that you may bargain with more than once. Mold grows in moist places, so damp areas, like bathrooms, oft have this trouble. This is something that should be taken care of right away due to its risk of getting tenants sick.

So, if your tenant encounters any of these issues while in your apartment building or rental property, what should yous know virtually taking care of these problems? Here are a few of the things that you demand to know virtually addressing your tenant's concerns.

How Long Does A Landlord Accept To Fix Something?

Depending on the issue that the tenant wants fixing, you should arrange accordingly to brand sure that the most of import bug are taken intendance of first and repairs need to be made in a reasonable time. All tenants will want to have their problem dealt with quickly, merely you don't want to leave one tenant with a major upshot to fix a small problem for some other. Besides, your priority of fixing or repairing items will depend on whether these infringe on the tenant's right to live in an inhabitable property and if there are any health and condom risks associated with non-repair.

And then, knowing how long it will have to set each issue is an of import part of your job equally a landlord. The verbal number of days can vary by land, so it tin can exist a bit confusing for landlords to find the specific number of days they have to fix a certain issue.


When a tenant's refrigerator breaks down and their food is spoiling, that can cause some irate phone calls to come your way. But how long does a landlord have to replace a refrigerator? This depends on the country, which all have different timelines and some who don't crave you lot to fix or supervene upon information technology.

But the boilerplate time allowed for fixing this issue is between 14 and 30 days . This allows yous to find someone who will come in and fix or supercede the fridge within a reasonable amount of time. A ready like this should be a loftier priority, however, because of the issue of not beingness able to keep food from spoiling.

Hot Water

Fixing a problem in a tenant's apartment volition usually permit you 30 days or so of time to get the job done yourself. Withal, in certain situations, there are reasons why y'all should fix the issue sooner, rather than later.

Issues like a broken water heater can be an outcome that needs much more immediate attending. But how long does a landlord take to set up a hot water heater? Although thirty days may typically be the cut-off, if a water heater breaks during the winter months, then you should get to information technology equally before long as possible

Not being able to heat water for showers in the dead of winter (or even summer) can exist a major event or even an emergency for tenants, especially if they accept children. And, according to many state's laws, in one case they requite written notice that they desire it fixed and why they could take legal action if it is not taken care of promptly, is cause for you to accept information technology fixed in three business concern days.

So, it is always better to err on the side of caution when it comes to major issues and emergency situations (that is, annihilation related to power, water, and oestrus).


house mold issueIssues with mold can happen anywhere but are normally seen in warm damp places like basements, attics, or areas that have low ventilation and high humidity. This tin can sometimes end up causing mold to grow in that surface area.

This tin be a major outcome because fixing a mold problem tin be plush, but if it is non taken care of, then it could cause tenants to go ill. And so, how long does a landlord have to fix a mold trouble? In fact, it is not conspicuously stated that landlords are responsible for mold bug and treatment direct at all.

All the same, if whatever harm comes to tenants because of this problem, or if the city or state has a public health nuisance police that mold can fall under, and then you lot could end up paying out money for not fixing the problem.

So, when notified of the trouble, this issue should be taken intendance of sooner rather than later if the issue is severe to proceed you safe from any legal ramifications if tenants get sick. And, to go along you from paying for even more costly fixes down the road.

Air Conditioning

Now, this unit may audio more than like a luxury than a necessity in some places. However, in areas where the summer oestrus reaches extremely high temperatures, the air conditioning unit can exist seen as a right to brand the property inhabitable. By law, in some states, an air workout unit is covered under the tenant's rights.

In warm states like Florida and California, air workout units are an essential way to survive the hot atmospheric condition. But if an Air conditioning unit is broken, then how long does a landlord have to set up the ac in states such as California and Florida?

In California, there is no rule that forces you to fix the consequence with an Air conditioning unit of measurement within a few days, and so the rule of 30 days from when the tenant reports the problem is the norm. This allows yous the time to call someone to repair the unit before the tenant can do it themselves and deduct the cost from their rent.

So, how long does a landlord accept to prepare the ac in Florida? Like to California, Florida does non require you to ready the event inside a small time frame and, therefore, abides by the 30-day "dominion". However, this is something that should be fixed promptly during the hottest months of the year.

Also similar to California, if a Florida tenant does not have their AC unit fixed within those thirty days, so they tin pay for the repair themselves and deduct the toll from the next month'south rent. This is best to be avoided, so information technology is recommended to take care of the problem well within those thirty days.


When renting out an flat, one issue that volition come up up afterward each tenant moves out is the condition of the carpeting. The issue of how often a landlord should supersede the carpet, and who pays for carpeting cleaning, tenant or landlord, is a debate that both sides seem to disagree on routinely.

So, how often does a landlord have to replace the rug? In California, an flat's carpet life is eight to 10 years. If the carpet is ruined by tenants or needs to be replaced before than that due to damage (and outside of what's considered " normal habiliment and tear "), then it falls on the tenant.

Simply if the carpet is replaced after the 10-year marking, then the cost volition fall to the landlord . This is non to say that you lot, as a landlord, should pay for information technology even when the damage is acquired by a tenant after that fourth dimension. If the carpet is well-maintained and does non need replacing, then you don't necessarily accept to.

However, if in that location is an upshot with the carpet due to non replacing it when you should have, so the tenant can ask yous to supplant it at no price to them. If your tenant asks for the carpet to exist replaced, they can either inquire you straight or put in a request form for maintenance.

However, beyond this, unless the carpet is torn and then badly that it makes the flat uninhabitable, then there is goose egg else a tenant can legally exercise. If your tenants goes through the proper channels, you may feel more comfortable replacing the carpeting if information technology needs to be replaced.

Leaking Roof

Having a leaking roof can be a small, but abrasive, disruption to a tenant's day. So, when they report a leak and inquire yous to fix it, y'all should call back about taking care of it without waiting until the full fourth dimension allowed for repairs.

So, how long does a landlord have to fix a leaking roof? This once again is under the reasonable time rule, which allows up to 30 days. All the same, the severity of the leak must exist taken into consideration. If in that location is one small leak in which the tenant must put a small bucket underneath to catch drips, this isn't severe.

Nonetheless, if the tenant has a leak that requires them to place a large bucket that fills up throughout the week (or faster) and must be poured out routinely, and then this can be a major issue. Water damage tin affect your apartment building, so you lot will desire to take care of this consequence correct abroad or it could price you more in the long-haul.

How Long Can A Landlord Shut Off Water For Repairs?

house water shut off In the instance that you lot need to close your tenant's water off in order to practise repairs, like the problem with a water heater, then there are other terms you need to think about. Tenants demand water to potable, employ the shower, and wash dishes, then, y'all can't keep the water off for too long.

The reasonable fourth dimension to get a small leak stock-still is within 30 days, only in the event of a pipage bursting or a major leak that could cause water damage, that fourth dimension-frame should only be a day or ii . So, if the issue calls for emergency repairs, then the water volition only be off for the few days that it takes to cease the job.

This allows the workers to set the issue without further damage, and information technology is not unreasonable for only a few days of work. But if a tenant is angry about water being shut off for pocket-sized repairs ofttimes, and then this could exist an consequence.

As a landlord, you have near probable dealt with having to do flat wide repairs that require the water to exist shut off. This is typically just for a few hours to a 24-hour interval or two if necessary. Merely in emergency cases tin can water be turned off without a 24-hr notice to allow tenants to gear up.

What Is Considered An Uninhabitable Living Situation For A Tenant?

If your apartment building is not existence taken care of properly, then this could crusade an uninhabitable living situation for your tenant. This brings on a host of issues that could cause tenants to move without notice or possibly fifty-fifty sue you for damages.

So, what is considered an uninhabitable living state of affairs for a tenant? This term means that the weather condition of the flat are non compliant with federal and state condom regulations or the repairs needed to create an inhabitable flat are not being taken care of in a reasonable mode.

This tin can exist caused past a landlord not getting repairs done for major issues inside a reasonable amount of time. Apartment repairs are essential to keeping good tenants in your building. Then, how long does a landlord take to make repairs earlier this becomes a trouble?

Well, the 30-day rule applies here, and the landlord has to fix major bug within that time frame to avoid any other bug from arising. If this does not happen, and the landlord fails to respond or address their tenant'south right to repairs and maintenance, then they could risk losing the tenant and money.

For case, if i of your tenants reports a mold problem in the edifice that is causing them and their family unit to get sick, then non addressing that effect right away and causing the tenants to live with the mold problem could be an uninhabitable living situation.

The tenant can't stay there with this trouble persisting, so they will be forced to get out the flat without discover and you will exist left with the expenses. If this is washed for good tenants that pay hire on fourth dimension, then you lot could risk losing a steady payment without knowing if the adjacent tenant will exist as adept.

It is in your best interest to keep up with repairs and maintenance so that your building is an inhabitable living situation for all your tenants. This also helps y'all to go on tenants that are pleasant, who pay hire on time, and who will likely renew their charter when the time comes.

General Repairs

When information technology comes to more full general repairs effectually the flat building, there may not be such an issue when information technology comes to wear and tear or minor damages due to age. Every bit a landlord, you volition probable have to do some general repairs to go on your building upward to code and inhabitable living conditions for your tenants.

Here are a few other full general repairs that yous may run across:

Light Bulbs This can exist the responsibleness of the landlord, or the tenant, depending on the charter agreement. Typically, the light bulbs inside the apartment are the tenant's responsibleness, and the landlord provides them for all common areas.
Furnace Filter This detail can exist spelled out in the charter as the responsibility of the tenant or the landlord; however, it is recommended for the landlord to replace. This is because the filter affects air quality that could brand for uninhabitable living conditions, and the filter makes the furnace piece of work harder, which volition cost more than to fix in the long run.
Plumbing and Electrical Piece of work This is typically the responsibility of the landlord to keep up with routine maintenance and fix any tenant issues. The exception to this is if in that location is damage caused by tenant misconduct.
Permanent Light Fixtures Although lightbulbs may or may not be the tenant's responsibility, the light fixture should non be. Normal wear and tear may cause some damage to these fixtures, and this should be taken care of by the landlord. If there is damage due to tenant misconduct, an exception is fabricated.
Landscaping Any and all landscaping around the outside of the building will autumn to the landlord. Tenants should not accept any responsibility put on them for maintaining the grounds effectually the apartment building.

Doing these general repairs keeps your rental property in good shape for prospective tenants and keeps your current renters happy. Keeping up with minor bug can make your renters feel like you care well-nigh their home and makes them more than likely to renew their charter when the time comes.

It is your best involvement to get these repairs washed in a reasonable time, and it also makes information technology easier to keep your model tenants renting from you. If you want tenants who won't crusade yous problems, and who don't cause damage to your property, then you want to keep them.

Information technology can besides be a good thought to become ahead of the game and screen potential renters so that yous won't finish up paying for constant modest amercement done to the apartment. Sometimes information technology tin be difficult to bear witness that a tenant is the ane causing the damage, and it could end up costing you money.

Companies similar RentPrep let you lot to screen a potential renter before assuasive them to sign a lease, which tin can be a great way to find out who you will be renting to and gauging whether they will be good tenants. Tenant screening allows you to see nationwide eviction reports and credit backgrounds, equally well as whatever judgments or liens confronting the potential tenant.

This tin exist a great way to determine whether or not you desire to hire to the person before they become into the rental property. Information technology is always good to protect yourself from paying higher costs or risk having a tenant leave or exist evicted. So, screening a tenant can besides assistance save you from spending more money in the long run.


frequently ask questionsWith all this data, there's a lot to accept in all at once. So, you lot may withal have a few questions that you would like answered. We have taken two of the about oft asked questions from landlords merely like you and found reliable answers to assist you out.

Can my tenant use repair-and-deduct for maintenance and repair costs?

In short, aye, if the repair or maintenance falls under the responsibility of the landlord. This method is used just when a landlord does non take care of the result with a reasonable amount of time – which is typically 30 days or less in an emergency situation – and does not provide their tenants with an inhabitable living situation.

This method causes the tenant to embrace the cost of the repair themselves and allows them to deduct the price from their next month'south rent.

How should I accuse tenants who cause damage to my rental property?

The principal fashion that charging a tenant is handled is by taking care of the repairs yourself, then adding the cost of the repair to their rent corporeality. The cost of repairing the damage that is conspicuously caused past a tenant due to abuse or neglect of the property is the responsibility of the renter.

The damage should not be allowed to worsen, which will crusade you lot more money in the long run, merely the cost of the repair should be solely on the tenant. However, if a tenant continually has damage washed to the property, you may consider evicting them from the apartment due to continual issues.


Being a landlord is non for the weak at heart. You have to deal with many unlike problems from several backdrop at in one case, which tin can be very stressful. So, taking care of repairs quickly and efficiently will just help you in the long run to keep up your rental property for future tenants.

Whether you are becoming a landlord for the outset time or you lot just need some more information near what your responsibilities are, this article helped you figure out how long it should take y'all to set these six mutual problems then that you keep your rental property running smoothly.

With and so much data at once, you might not be able to remember all of it. But at that place are a few primary points that you should aim to remember that will assistance you with repairs and maintenance for your flat complex or rental property.

  • Fixing an issue within a reasonable corporeality of fourth dimension is e'er necessary
  • You must go along an inhabitable living situation for all your tenants
  • There are full general repairs that are your responsibleness as a landlord, similar fixing the h2o heater or leaking roof
  • Screening potential tenants can weed out unreliable renters

Overall, the most of import matter to remember is to take care of your belongings so that you can keep your tenants happy and keep your rent money rolling in.


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